“The hardest thing in the world to understand is income taxes.”
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Your Tax Specialist.
Providing Tax Consulting, Compliance and Accounting Services to Businesses and Other Professionals.
At pH Tax Consulting, we strive to navigate the complex tax legislation and find solutions to our clients’ tax problems. We provide tax advice to private and business clients alike, and assisting other professional advisers to provide the best possible tax advice to their clients.
We offer tax expertise in a wide range of area, such as income tax, capital gains tax, Division 7A, taxation of trusts and small business tax concessions.
Areas of Practice
Tax Consulting
We strive to navigate the complex tax legislation and find solutions to our clients’ tax problems. We provide tax advice to private and business clients alike, and assisting other professional advisers to provide the best possible tax advice to their clients.
We offer tax expertise in a wide range of area, such as income tax, capital gains tax, Division 7A, taxation of trusts and small business concessions.
Tax Compliance
We provide tax compliance services to our clients, such as preparation and lodgment of Income Tax Returns, Activity Statements, Fringe Benefits Tax returns and other tax documents.
Accounting and Secretarial Services
In addition to tax consulting and compliance services, which form the core of our services, we also offer general accounting services (such as, the preparation of financial statements) and ASIC-related compliance services for our private group clients.
Get in Touch
Please contact us at reception@phtax.co
to find out how we can help you.